About Me

Welcome to The Dalia Wellness

About The Dalia Wellness:

The Dalia Wellness program is here to support you in your journey of caregiving for your loved one, providing guidance to your physical and mental wellness, and advice and support in challenges you face.
We understand you are time-poor and are struggling with day-to-day life challenges therefore my support can come through home visits or online calls so it is doable and is not another source of stress for you.

Once you reach out we have a preliminary talk and understand your challenges and through a zoom call or home visit provide the services you feel you need. These services range from tips that can help improve the psychology of the person you are caring for,, or care-giver support ranging from advice on practical matters concerning the challenges in your caregiving process, or self-care support to help you sustain your journey. These range from how to incorporate stress management tools like breathing techniques, meditation exercises, energy balancing routines, all alternative tools that help with your own caregiving so you can go on with your responsibilities towards yourself and the person you ar3e caring for.

What We Stand For


To inspire caregivers and senior individuals to a quality life and nurture their journeys and support them in dealing with the unknown and the unfolding.


The Dalia Wellness is your premier place to go to get personalized support for your journey of caregiving. We believe you have the right to a quality life as well as your loved ones, it should never be either or. For seniors you have a right to live life to its fullest and we are here to inspire you to do that.

Core Values

In caregiving there is a sense of responsibility and commitment to your loved ones as well as your own life purpose. The right to a quality of living for both the caregiver and th4e person you are caring for is key. The ability of sharing your story and getting the support that fits your lifestyle and needs is a must in reaching this quality of life and not feeling you are alone and sharing experiences is our principle. It is a teamwork that allows you to fulfill your needs as a caregiver without forgetting your life or putting it on hold. Traveling through the unknown with information, tools and tips that allows this unfolding to be clearer and not always starting from scratch. Our goal is to be compassionate along the way, respect and understand your story, your feelings, and help you come out of it with awareness, strength, peace, and serenity.

What We
Stand For


To inspire caregivers and senior individuals to a quality life and nurture their journeys and support them in dealing with the unknown and the unfolding.


The Dalia Wellness is your premier place to go to get personalized support for your journey of caregiving. We believe you have the right to a quality life as well as your loved ones, it should never be either or. For seniors you have a right to live life to its fullest and we are here to inspire you to do that.

Core Values

In caregiving there is a sense of responsibility and commitment to your loved ones as well as your own life purpose. The right to a quality of living for both the caregiver and th4e person you are caring for is key. The ability of sharing your story and getting the support that fits your lifestyle and needs is a must in reaching this quality of life and not feeling you are alone and sharing experiences is our principle. It is a teamwork that allows you to fulfill your needs as a caregiver without forgetting your life or putting it on hold. Traveling through the unknown with information, tools and tips that allows this unfolding to be clearer and not always starting from scratch. Our goal is to be compassionate along the way, respect and understand your story, your feelings, and help you come out of it with awareness, strength, peace, and serenity.

My Story:

The quality of life for our loved ones in need is often forgotten. At The Dalia Wellness, we rekindle their interests, enabling them to enjoy life from home. Supporting caregivers is crucial; we’re here for both of you. Navigating together, we become the helping hand, the steady leg, the attentive ear, the watchful eyes. Ensuring they’re truly Living, not just living.