Mind Your Age – Cause You Matter

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Mind Your Age - Cause You Matter

/*! elementor - v3.15.0 - 20-08-2023 */ .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:#69727d;color:#fff}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap{color:#69727d;border:3px solid;background-color:transparent}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap{margin-top:8px}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap-letter{width:1em;height:1em}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap{float:left;text-align:center;line-height:1;font-size:50px}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap-letter{display:inline-block} Each one of us is here to deliver a message. Each one of us inspires the people around us in one way or another . We are part of every day’s creation and every day’s happenings. As we move through life, our circumstances vary. And over time, they could become challenging for one reason or another. This could be caring for our children, or our parents, and or creating and nurturing our careers. Whatever the circumstances are, our presence matters! So, we either let life pass by us while we are busy, forget ourselves in the process, or decide to continue thriving and living life to its fullest!

Mind Your Age - Cause You Matter

Self-Care Comes Before Caregiving

It is crucial that we are aware that our wellness is important. Without our wellness, be it eating well, taking time for oneself, sleeping well, ensuring a spiritual practice, having meaningful relationships and a career that we love; we cannot reach our potential and carry on with our duties as family members with some sort of happiness and satisfaction. So, let’s take a look at the why behind our health and wellness goal. Being aware of the why ensures that our journey of health and wellness is a self-convictive and therefore a sustainable one. Being aware of your own body and image precedes managing the food log and putting a unique plan for yourself to lead a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Body image is a major psychological determinant to our journey of health and wellness.
We get busy and we believe we have no hand in cutting a part for ourselves. We do not pause and think, if we can do something about this stress we are feeling. ill this cigarette really help me carry on with my day, is it true that I am too old to shift my career to one that makes me happy, is it really true I cannot carve just a little time for myself, am I allowed to enjoy life during caring for a loved one, during raising my children, during a busy career?

Stresses around Body Perception in your Journey to Health and Wellness

Stresses around Body Perception in your Journey
to Health and Wellness

Our bodies are physical forms that encompass our spirits. Our essence is in our spirit, our body -with or without aids- is the means by which we interact in and with the world. In our interactions we cannot handle people that do not match our spirit. For example, when we meet someone for the first time, their image can attract us. But it *alone* doesn’t guarantee a long-lasting relationship be it friendship, business partnership or life partnership. We only pursue such bonds when our spirits are a match. Body appearance is not a long-term attracting variable, it can be a first point of focus but never a long lasting one. This being said, our physical health and spiritual health are equally important. Our body is the physical means by which we do what we came into life to do.

“We are spiritual beings living a human experience”. Dr. Wayne Dyre

Healthy eating cannot be sustained without a healthy spirit

In coaching when a client comes for support and their background has been full of fluctuations in their wellness, the first thing I help them with is to create a log of their eating habits. This log includes more details beyond the food you eat and the water you drink. In the log the client needs to specify their mood at each meal, details about their day like their sleeping habits, smoking, drinking, bowel movement, etc. This is done for a period of a week or two for consistency. This period of time is sufficient to see the correlation between the nutrition intake, your mood based on your psychological status, and other habits. It helps the client become aware of unhealthy habits they created as a coping mechanism. Food log is your first step to pivot to a healthy life style as it allows you to become aware of your present lifestyle and offers a lot of answers to many “why’s”. It creates a clear mapping of any increase or decrease in food quantity, bad food choices, less or more sleep, and coping mechanisms created to manage the stress around your day. This could include smoking, drinking, and inactivity or even overactivity.
So, let’s take a look at the why behind our health and wellness goal. Being aware of the why ensures that our journey of health and wellness is a self-convictive and therefore a sustainable one. Being aware of your own body and image precedes managing the food log and putting a unique plan for yourself to lead a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Body image is a major psychological determinant to our journey of health and wellness.

Sifting through emotions: A way towards a healthy outlook on a challenging situation

Sifting through emotions: A way towards a healthy
outlook on a challenging situation

The way we feel dictates our attitude as we go in life.

It affects our wellbeing in the greatest way. If you take a few minutes to close your eyes and remember a time that you felt physically, professionally, and socially well, I assure you it will be a time when you were feeling emotionally well too. Our emotions are behind our cravings, our resistance to food, our doing, not doing, or overdoing exercise, the type of relationships we get into, and how we perform at work. Our emotions vary in intensity depending on the life situation we are in whether it is a fallout or a breakup in any type of relationship, an unhealthy work situation, or a trauma taking place within your circle. The emotions resulting from these circumstances can push you off the edge, and will affect each one of us differently. It results with some kind of coping mechanism like digital binging, total isolation and disintegration from society, overdoing social events, abusing substance, getting into unhealthy relationships, or overdoing exercise till you injure yourself. When our emotions are low, our judgement gets tampered, and therefore we can get into a series of unhealthy reactions. We need to manage the emotions that are stirred in an event so we can react in a healthy manner that will serve us positively, and ensure our wellbeing.

To manage emotions, you need first to be aware of them.

Being aware of your emotions when a dramatic situation erupts is important. It is also important to know that you cannot change what happened as it is now history, and therefore your only control over this situation is to manage how you react to it. Your reaction will be healthy only when you tone down the negative emotions that have been stirred with the situation, and see what can be done within your reach that can inflict this harm, instead of submerging in the negative situation and living the story over and over again with no solution mindset. Staying long in a negative environment, or feeling bad never served me right, and this negative feeling only disappeared when I am deliberate about managing the situation with whatever is within my reach. Most spiritual readings guide towards changing what is within your reach as the way to a progressive mindset over a vindictive or victimized approach because the former ensures your wellbeing, and ensures a supportive environment with everything and everyone rallying around you to help you in your situation. In my case owning and accepting an event/situation was always my first option because I always felt I have a choice and I am not stuck to the reactions or doings of others, but if my emotions are vulnerable or confused or vindictive it is impossible to have any control over what you can do to move on. Most of the people surrounding you from friends and family will advise you to fight the situation, let you talk about it over and over again which intensifies the feeling around it, and gets you to feel sorry for yourself, and this immobilizes any possibility of moving on and solving the problem that was inflicted upon you or life has imposed on you. The only way out of a situation and the damage it caused you is by being aware of how it is emotionally affecting you, and managing this emotional turmoil until it is no more a negative emotion; this helps clear your mind and gives you rigor to handle it.