Mind Your Age - Cause You Matter

Each one of us is here to deliver a message. Each one of us inspires the people around us in one way or another . We are part of every day’s creation and every day’s happenings. As we move through life, our circumstances vary. And over time, they could become challenging for one reason or another. This could be caring for our children, or our parents, and or creating and nurturing our careers. Whatever the circumstances are, our presence matters! So, we either let life pass by us while we are busy, forget ourselves in the process, or decide to continue thriving and living life to its fullest!

Mind Your Age - Cause You Matter

Self-Care Comes Before Caregiving

It is crucial that we are aware that our wellness is important. Without our wellness, be it eating well, taking time for oneself, sleeping well, ensuring a spiritual practice, having meaningful relationships and a career that we love; we cannot reach our potential and carry on with our duties as family members with some sort of happiness and satisfaction. So, let’s take a look at the why behind our health and wellness goal. Being aware of the why ensures that our journey of health and wellness is a self-convictive and therefore a sustainable one. Being aware of your own body and image precedes managing the food log and putting a unique plan for yourself to lead a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Body image is a major psychological determinant to our journey of health and wellness.
We get busy and we believe we have no hand in cutting a part for ourselves. We do not pause and think, if we can do something about this stress we are feeling. ill this cigarette really help me carry on with my day, is it true that I am too old to shift my career to one that makes me happy, is it really true I cannot carve just a little time for myself, am I allowed to enjoy life during caring for a loved one, during raising my children, during a busy career?

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