Stresses around Body Perception in your Journey
to Health and Wellness

Our bodies are physical forms that encompass our spirits. Our essence is in our spirit, our body -with or without aids- is the means by which we interact in and with the world. In our interactions we cannot handle people that do not match our spirit. For example, when we meet someone for the first time, their image can attract us. But it *alone* doesn’t guarantee a long-lasting relationship be it friendship, business partnership or life partnership. We only pursue such bonds when our spirits are a match. Body appearance is not a long-term attracting variable, it can be a first point of focus but never a long lasting one. This being said, our physical health and spiritual health are equally important. Our body is the physical means by which we do what we came into life to do.

“We are spiritual beings living a human experience”. Dr. Wayne Dyre

Healthy eating cannot be sustained without a healthy spirit

In coaching when a client comes for support and their background has been full of fluctuations in their wellness, the first thing I help them with is to create a log of their eating habits. This log includes more details beyond the food you eat and the water you drink. In the log the client needs to specify their mood at each meal, details about their day like their sleeping habits, smoking, drinking, bowel movement, etc. This is done for a period of a week or two for consistency. This period of time is sufficient to see the correlation between the nutrition intake, your mood based on your psychological status, and other habits. It helps the client become aware of unhealthy habits they created as a coping mechanism. Food log is your first step to pivot to a healthy life style as it allows you to become aware of your present lifestyle and offers a lot of answers to many “why’s”. It creates a clear mapping of any increase or decrease in food quantity, bad food choices, less or more sleep, and coping mechanisms created to manage the stress around your day. This could include smoking, drinking, and inactivity or even overactivity.
So, let’s take a look at the why behind our health and wellness goal. Being aware of the why ensures that our journey of health and wellness is a self-convictive and therefore a sustainable one. Being aware of your own body and image precedes managing the food log and putting a unique plan for yourself to lead a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Body image is a major psychological determinant to our journey of health and wellness.

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